Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Atelier paint is a wonderful substitution for printing ink – once it is dry, it remains stable and does not mix with any other wet medium placed over the top; and it is easy to clean up after the printing process. The wide range of colours ensures that your prints harmonise with your other art work. Mixed Media Artist Tricia Reust chooses intense, transparent colours for the printing process.

For more tips, read Tricia’s book, Using Chroma Art Materials, which can be purchased through her website.

In this how to video. artist Tricia Reust demonstrates how to make unique prints without a press using Atelier Interactive Acrylics and a variety of surfaces for plates. Perfect for beginners and experienced printmakers as well as mixed media.

Here, Payne’s Grey acrylic paint has been rolled on to a linocut plate, then printed on to an old sheet of music, ready to be used in a mixed media work as collage. Because I have used paint and not printing ink, this image will not blur or reactivate when re-wet.

For paper: I use brayer to roll out the paint straight from the tube on a flat palette until it’s the correct consistency. Then roll this paint with the brayer on to the surface of an incised line plate and print on to paper, using a brayer or flat bottomed jar of impasto gel or similar, with even pressure. I use the residual paint on pages of a visual diary, rolling shapes and lines with the brayer to prepare these pages for further drawing.

I scratched into the leftover paint on the palette with a paint brush handle, and then monoprinted it on to a piece of cartridge paper.

On other paper, I monoprint left over paint from the palette.

Print from a collagraph on to a piece of Canson Mi-Teintes paper.

For canvas and textured collagraphs: the paint needs to be a little more wet, but without losing the chroma depth, due to the texture of the canvas; so I use a sponge roller to work with Atelier paint and a little Clear Painting Medium on a flat palette until the correct consistency. Roll paint with sponge roller on to the surface of collagraphs and other plates, and then print on paper or canvas. I also use these for tissue paper prints and for further monoprinting.

Two collagraphs made by a child, and a print from one of these plates, as well as a leaf, using green Atelier Free Flow acrylic paint.

For Children: I use a sponge roller and Atelier Free Flow paint, and print  objects like leaves, and also  collagraphs and plates the children have made. You lose a little detail in the print but children love the bright colours of the Free Flow, and the immediacy of printing.

This print is from a thinly textured plate with feathers; paper clip; embroidery canvas and string.

For thinly textured plates: I mix a little retarder in to some paint and, using a bristle brush, brush this over the texture on the plate before printing with a brayer onto paper.

Use Incredible Brush Cleaner for cleaning if paint is left to dry on the brayer. This can also be used to remove paint from clothing and even carpet.

Atelier Acrylics Tutorials

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