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Many painters use Jo Sonja Matte Flow Acrylic on canvas or panel as a matte fine art paint. In this project, you will learn, step by step, how to paint this tranquil river scene.


  • Rectangular Canvas, roughly 8.5″ x 11″ Size
  • Jo Sonja Matte Flow Acrylic 24 Tube Set or individual; tubes in the following colours: Titanium White, Ultramarine Blue, Jade, Burnt Sienna, India Yellow, Brown Earth, Bisque, Pthalo Green, Yellow Green, Cadmium Yellow Mid
  • Jo Sonja Flow Medium
  • Large Flat Brush
  • Small Round Brush
  • Palette
  • Jar of Water
  • Rag/ Paper Towel

Step One

Using the large flat brush and Titanium White, paint a horizontal line at two-thirds the height of the canvas. This line should be about 2″ wide.

Step Two

Mix a very small quantity of Ultramarine Blue with Titanium White, this should make an ultra light blue.

Place this colour in a horizontal line overlapping the top edge of the white band. Repeat a long stroke about 4 times at the same height or until the two colours blend together. Paint in the remaining space above with this colour.

Step Three

Repeat “Step Two” but on the bottom side of the white band, but on this side gradually add Ultramarine Blue and Pthalo Blue to the white.

The colour should gradually become more blue as it reaches the base of the canvas.

Step Four

Mix together a large amount of Titanium White with Ultramarine Blue and Jade.

Paint in mountain shapes over the top of the horizontal line. Pull down in a vertical direction to reflect a little bit of colour into the water.

Step Five

Using the small round brush, add more Titanium White to the mountain colour.

With this lighter mixture tap an overlapping pattern concentrating on the left side, to highlight the mountains.

Step Six

Using the large flat brush, mix together Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, India Yellow and Titanium White to create a light greyish green.

Paint in a series of short lines underneath and to the right of the previously painted mountains. These lines stagger downwards. From these lines paint in a mountain shape and block in with the same colour. Pull down in a vertical direction to reflect a little bit of colour into the water.

Step Seven

Using the small round brush, mix in a little more India Yellow and Titanium White to the mountain colour and dot on overlapping marks as highlights, concentrating on the left sides of the shapes.

Step Eight

Using the large flat brush, mix together Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna and a small touch of India Yellow and Titanium White.

Paint a short line underneath and to the left of the previously painted mountains. From this line paint in mountain shapes and fill in with the same colour. Pull down in a vertical direction to reflect a little bit of colour into the water.

Step Nine

Using the small round brush, mix in a little more India Yellow and Titanium White to the mountain colour.

Dot on overlapping marks as highlights, concentrating on the left sides of the shapes.

Step Ten

Using the small round brush, mix together Ultramarine Blue and Titanium White. Mix in Jo Sonja Flow Medium at a ratio of 1:1. Starting at the bottom of the canvas, paint ripples in the water with a pattern of broken horizontal lines. Concentrate this pattern in the center of the water and the bottom of the canvas. As you move higher up, add in more medium to make the colour more transparent.

Step Eleven

Using Brown Earth and the small round brush, paint in gumtree branches stretching in from the bottom left side of the canvas.

Step Twelve

Using the Bisque colour, paint a fine line of highlights on the left side of the branches.

Step Thirteen

Using a mixture of Pthalo Green and Burnt Sienna, build up the leaves of the gumtree in little umbrella shaped groups of short curved, dashed lines.

Step Fourteen

Using the small round brush, add Yellow Green to the mix.

Paint highlights on the left sides of the leaves.

Step Fifteen

Mix in Cadmium Yellow Mid and Titanium White to the edge of the light green colour. Accent the highlights on the left side with this ultra light colour.

Set aside to dry!

Jo Sonja’s Artists’ Colours Tutorials

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